Bokwall Rislund once again top-ranked

Chambers & Partners and Legal500 rank BOKWALL RISLUND for the third year in a row in the highest category in both competition law and procurement law. All partners are also ranked individually by Chambers and Legal500. The agency is described with words as “outstanding expertise’ in all facets of the procurement space” and “simply the best and most specialised competition law firm in Sweden“ and, which we are especially proud of: ”The team is one of the key strengths of Bokwall Rislund and one of the things that make this law firm stand out. They have managed to find individuals that work together seamlessly, that supports and supplements each other with different strengths and qualities”

We are very pleased that we have been able to maintain our top position in both competition and procurement law. This shows that our specicialized boutique concept is appreciated by the market. We would like to extend a warm thank you to all clients and employees who made this ranking possible, says Managing Partner Olle Rislund.

For more information about the ranking please visit Chambers & Partners: competitionlaw and procurementlaw and Legal500 competitionlaw and procurementlaw.